Showing posts with label Ramen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ramen. Show all posts

Monday, December 3, 2018

Dr Martens Brogue shoes, i love them

Yeeeaaaaah! Today I'm really in luck!
I got that shoes I wanted and it seems like they fit!
I like that style. It remembers me a bit of 1920s mafia style:
 That age, the gangsters had style unlike today.... ^^   Here they are gain:
I think they have also a clowny touch, somehow i associate Ronald McDonalds^^ Especially the colors. But i like that subtle evil touch of the shoes. In a city fill of crime and rudeness, it cant hurt to look selfassured and able.
They were only 35€ and original dr martens, used but in good condition. A 37, a little bit small. When i came home, i greased the leather with coconut oil and put shoe stretchers inside.
Maybe 38 of my coming shoes is too big for me... Yes I'm a very petite person....^^
 It was a very exhausting day. I slept very bad and when I went to the neurologist by bus, I felt very sick. First i wasn't sure if can make it. I had migraine the whole day... but it was so worth it! I'm very, very glad about the shoes! I walked 10 km today.

And now, after all, i deserve a treat! *leans back, puts feet up*
Its Samyang Buldak Bokkeum meyon and it was soooo delicious, it tasted like the pure love of god. (no blasphemy intended)
It is so spicy that i feel my heart rate is increased. ^^ (I wonder if that's healthy or unhealthy)
And my headache is still bad and i feel really sick... I even wonder, if I'm about to catch a cold.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Maruchan Seimen ramen

I love ramen!

check out: 

It was good! I added some eggs, chicken slices, scallion, chinese morel, goji berries, dried laver.

It was good ramen, much better than the sapporo ichiban stuff! It tasted rich and pure, original japanese and ver satisfying with the egg.

The price tag on the package isnt the right price, i paid 79 cents, since it was a little above the expiring date.
I know instant ramen very well and you can consume it even some month after expiration, its still finde, trust me.

Now i gonna wath tv, while im in the internet, while i play gameboy. *puts feet up* Oh, yeah!

I need to rest and relax because i have had a very active day today and tomorrow, i will have an appointment at the neurologist for an EEG. After that i will buy some more dr martens. :-) Uuuuh, yeah.
Some very nice looking by the way:
They are described to be in a very good condition, only 35€ . A steal. I dont know if they will fit me. If they will fit me, 38 is maybe even too big. I dont know. Yes, i have real angelic lotus feet.^^

Thats fine but the only stressy thing is going everywhere by train. I suffer from motion sickness or any unknown misscondition that is comparable to that.
On top of that, the trains in my city are so crowded, that you sometimes can not fit yourself in anymore, even if you are slim! You gotta have nerves like armthick wires if you want to live a decent life in that city.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Resistant starch from ramen noodles?



Recently i read a lot about resistant starch and the more i read the more it fascinates me.

The gut is so important for the whole body and also even mental health, we all should care well for out gut.
Its such a great thing that we easily can nourish good bacteria in our gut, by simple letting our food cool down a while before we eat it!

That brought me to an idea. You know that i really love instant ramen noodles, even tho im a health enthusiast?
Today i just thought why not cooking ramen in the morning and then eating it in the evening, to create resistant starch in it. I wonder if the ramen noodles get more nutritional value then and have much less calories. Oh dear, that would be a dream! feasting ramen without bad consciousness!

Maybe its just a desperate hope that instant ramen could be healthier and a self deceit as well^^ Hahahahahah!

I'm a sly self deceiver.^^ (But i always immediately notice it)

Unluckily research among resistant start is still at the beginning. The theory, that the calories of  carbohydrates HALF then, sound very very dared if you ask me.

Nobody can tell my how much less calories my ramen noodles now had, then fresh made, hot noodles.
I only can see the result on the weighing scale if i do that more often.

Well, lets always try to do it from now, on when cook ramen. The only problem is, that cooking ramen makes me incredible hungry and then i cant help myself but devouring everything immediately.

My favourite ramen tastes very great if its cold and not freshly cooked. Sometimes even better. Perfect!
My favourite ramen is of course..... can you guess it? ^^
Yes, ist samyang buldak bokkeum meyon.

For my first trial to create resistant starch in ramen noodles in made with a ramen variety that is intended to be served cold. Its of course Samyang Ice type *laughter*

 The ready cooked noodles with chinese morel, with goji berries and scallion. And also a slice of processed cheese melted into the noodles.

I let it in the fridge for about 5 hours at least.
Then i poured the sauce over it and garnished with bacon and dried laver flakes.

Here is the incredibly yummy result:

While i ate it, i really hoped not to gain weight.

Are you interested in nutrition? Do you know more about resistant starch? Do you thing i can make resistant starch out of ramen noodles, and i yes, how much?

How much calories will reduce?

The whole Noodle dish (without any garnish) has 600 kcal total.
What you you think how much it will have, when cooled for 5 hours?

300? That would be my dream came true, honestly.  Hahahahhahahahhah!

Now, to make your mouth watery here are some ery delicios ramen pics:
(i know, im mean)

Its all Samyang on all the pictures.

My god, i love ramen.

Comment if you think the calories get reduced with the resistant starch method! (And how much you think, the calories get reduced)

And if you think now: My god, that person must be obese from all the ramen...
No, my BMI is 19,4.
I really eat it rarely.
But if i eat it, its like birthday and christmas together.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Instant Ramen!!!


Ich habe eine Problem. Obwohl ich eigentlich ein sehr gewundheitsbewusster Mensch bin, stehe ich unheimlich auf instant Ramennudeln.

Das ist so ein Laster von mir, dass ich mir nicht abgwöhnen kann und will.

Allerdings passe ich schon etwas bei der Zubereitung auf, dass es nicht ganz so extrem kalorienreich und ungesund wird.
Wenn man ein paar Dinge beherzigt, spart man sicher bis 30% dr Kalorien ein.

Es ist eigentlich ganz simpel:

Es empfielt sich, die Nudeln zu kochen und dann IMMER abzugießen. Danach kann man sie evntuell braten oder aber der vorher vorbereiteten Suppe zuführen.
Die Ramennudeln sind sehr fettreich und man sieht auch beim angeißen deutlich wieviel fett dann da raus kommt.
Es ist mir lieber wenn das ohne hin nicht grade hochwertige Palmöl dann im Abfluss landet und nicht.... auf unseren Hüften! :)

Manchmal werden den Ramentütchen Päckchen mit Öl mitgeliefert. Manchmal brauch man aber nicht umbedignt alles davon und ich finde sogar, dass bei manchen Sorten, das Öl einfach zu viel ist.
Wenn es einfach nur simples Palmöl ist, was mit dabei ist, empfielt es sich, das Öl ganz durch eigenes, guter Öl zu ersetzen.
Ich bin sicher, dass schlägt sich auf dauer positiv in der Lebenserwartung nieder. ;)

Ich muss wohl nicht noch erklären, dass Ramen ungesund ist. Eine vollwertige Nahrung ist was anderes, das ist klar. Es empfielt sich, immernoch Gemüse oder Fleisch, oder beides und vielleicht Ei dazuzugeben.
So hat das ganze Essen, dann wenisgtens doch einen gewissen Wert.

Ramen ist dennoch für mich reizvoll, sehr lecker, schnell zubereitet und daher atraktiv.
Beizeiten sollte ich auch mal Ramen reviewen und leckere Ramen kochrezepte reinstellen.

Esst nicht zuviel Ramen! ;-)
Sonst endet ihr, wie Georgi Readmen. Ein Mädchen aus England (glaub ich), die eine spezielle Esstörhung hat, bei der man sich ausschließlich von einer bestimmten Sache ernährt. In ihrem Fall ist das Ramen.
Einigermaßen beruhigend finde ich, dass sie auf den Bildern bei Google weder krank, noch fett noch schlecht aussieht.
Das beruhigt mein gewissen und ich will noch sagen, dass ich finde, dass instant Ramen essen für die Seele ist.
(Wenn es schon dem Körper nicht umbedingt sehr gut tut)