Showing posts with label detox. Show all posts
Showing posts with label detox. Show all posts

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Neutralising wastes and acides with natron and looking for healthy sushi

I have not written long times, im sorry.

What just happend: My old laptop died one day before the new laptop arrived. lol
Im really glad, that i only was without a laptop for one day.

Im sick again, or however much sicker. I caught a cold some weeks ago and typically i dont recover from it. I tried to clean up my flat today but after several hours i became so exhaused that i felt rellay, really bad. Looks like i have to stay in bed for longer. -.-
Im happy that a doctor prescribed my medicine and that i have a working laptop at least.

Recently iv been trying to neutralise the waste-acids in my skin and body. I belive to have some due to chronic various symptoms.

However, im not stating that this works 100% and im also not stating that there ARE DEFINETLY too much acids in our tissues. I mean, this is not an officially proven fact.

I only try it out to neutralise these acids, because its cheap, im ill and its worth a trial!

Usually you can do that with an alcalic bath but i can not do it because it damages my bleached hair. I dont know how drying it is for natural healthy hair (which i never had^^), but bleached, damaged and sick hair is much more delicate.

Thats why i soak some clothing peaces in natron water instead. Just warm water mixed with a god amount of natron powder.
I already soaked my socks, my gloves and today even a leggings. Yay!

The disadvange is that it has to be worn for a very long time, around several hours. The bathing osmosis begings after a half hour and the longer you stay in contact with it, the more acids are said to be neutralized. The longer, the better!
Its not very comfortable to wear wet clothing pieces for hours and even make them damp again, when they dry. Concentrated natron water is also drying and itchy for the skin. Be very careful if you have sensitive skin and better ask your doctor first!

Everytime i wore wet natron clothes for several hours i noticed some sice effects. I began to feel somehow a bit weak and thirsty and exhuasted. Also i got more hungy. Somehow i feeled kinda drained and even a bit shaky. Yes, i would definetly say, its an exhausting procedure.
The use of high concentrated natron water on a vaster body area should be done with caution. Especially if you have low blood pressure and are not hydrated enough or eaten enough. Better do it in relaxation and maybe dont do too much sports, while doing it.

Afterwards i felt somehow better, like newer, fresher, lighter and less carrying weight in life. I even felt younger . (Not that i need it, since i look 10 years younger than i am already)
I felt to apprear less scarred by life and had the feeling that also others see me as fresher and younger!
Afterwards i even felt like people think im a teenager or a student... (this is very hilarious but i really do look extremely young)

Yeah, it is just hope that lets me try out things like that and wear wt clothes for hours and its also the great wish to improve. (Its not harmful and i have no sensitive skin and its really cheap if the natron is ordnered in high amounts)

Of course, i have to repeat this process many times. Wastes and acids from more than 20 year wont be neutralised within some several hours. ^^

I plan to go out with natron water wet clothes in summer. I want to to this especially on the legs, where my only problem zone is.

I should wear brighter and patterned clothes, otherwise white natron staines are visible.

Better dont use natron wet socks in good leather shoes, i think it may be bad for the leather, maykig it dry and easier to break.

Have fun!

Im afraid i have to stay in bed for a while. *sigh*

Recently im thinkig about a way to make healthier sushi rice. I really love japanese and asian cooking but normally id NEVER eat white rice. With furikake, its very, very delicious though and id like to eat it more often.
I will try to find whole grain rice suitable for sushi and there is maybe even the option to germinate this rice first. That would rellay be the ultimate suhsi. From germinated whole grain rice, isnt it? :-D

But im still stuck on the level learning to steam cook the perfect sushi rice. Aww, japanese stuff... Everything is a discipline for itself and needs decades to be learned perfectly. -.- Typical and lovely. *sigh*

If i can make perfect rice i will dare to try out more expensive rice breeds.

I yet made onigiri:

I just looooooove the taste of rice and furikake.

And here i made a dish that totally tasted like avocado maki as a dish. It was very good, even though the avocado was poor quality.

I feels good to type the language this keyboard is made for.^^ Its such a pain to type german on the US International keyboard. I have to type AltGr and Y for Ü, AltGr and Q for Ä AltGr and P forÖ.
Unfortunalty it happends very often that i hit AltGR and a wrong key instead and get a shortcut fuction pressed. Really annoying. But im a good learner, and will get used to it.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Time for the grinch to come.... with pic of me (the grinch)

Hello, my friends!

Today was a.... maybe not the best day, but i feel really good anyway. Really euphoric about my newly gained health with:


These things are really cleaning up your body and then repair it. Especially for my rotten nerves, that are so in a mess.
Honestly, i shouldn't let out to do:

-coconut oil

too. But for me it tastes not really good. Gulping down big spoons of it isn't so mine, unluckily.
So what, i feel fine right now. Zeolite is also amazing as a facial mask, it purifies the skin even better than charcoal powder!
Now Christmas time is coming and i decided to dye my hair green, Grinch green! :-D
You know what i dislike about Christmas time?

Shopping miles are extremely crowded, and not only that, all the people seem much more stressed and bad mooded than usually.
How ironic if a celebration of love like Christmas, leads to much more public annoyance by the need to buy material presents...

That's why i wanna set a sign and combine my "ugly" Christmas pullover with Grinch green hair.
I'm not one of these grumpy person that are stressed in public, i buy all the presents in time and online ;-)

You know whats sucks?

In winter, i always need to wear ear warmers, if I'm outside without earwarmers for just five minutes i get a bestialic ear ache. (Thanks chronic mono...)

Not all the headbands look good on me or are comfortable. Maybe i have a big head, since most of the headbands are a little too tight for me.
Damn, i need to buy five more like these, they have a Velcro for custom width -skulls!
like this:
 Yeah, i think its really sad how much racism exists at the moment. In Europe, and everywhere else.

I have the feeling, like, no matter how you look, there is always someone to loathe your eye color, your skin color, your hair color.
Your job, or if your jobless.
Your body no matter if your sporty and healthy or a really weak and sick person.
There is always someone who hates all the features that you have or don't have!

Why the hell these people cant look upon their own lives and just spend the energy to improve their lives, instead of hating someone?

I have no guess what experience the people must have made....

But the experiences that i made is also not great! I don't have it too good! I'm not treated too well! I have no health, i have no money.
And all that i have now, is what i was working really hard for, every day!!!!

I also dislike to be liked by certain people, too. Some people are..... really not my type. I also dye my hair green today to be less liked be the false people to be honest.
I'm just fed up with that much polarization. Some people love me, some people absolutely despise me. Only because of the way i look. None of these even know me!!!!

I find it so stupid in what direction humanity seems to evolve now, or better said de-volve.
Sad thing.
They're so superficial, its so pathetic.That's really making me sad recently. That's why i will dye my hair green today to hopefully reduce that spook! Haw, haw!!!!

click me to buy directions hair dye!

 Whoa, today i was shopping food in the german Aldi.

I'm so glad i could buy good buffalo mozzarella cheese for 1,10€ a 100 gr. (i know this is probably not really good buffalo mozzarella, but c´mon be not too critical, I'm really really poor, OK?)
In the Aldi i saw a product named "Super Dickmann´s"

Just that name alone is something to smile, i don't have to explain, right?

But then the product also is named "Dicke Nüsse" what could mean "big balls" I'm trivia.

I really think the producer of this made the name so lewd for purpose. Sex sells.

Honestly i on my diet had recently so much appetite for anything sweat and caloric, i could really have some Super Dickmann´s dicke Nüsse right now. x-D

No way, i have to loose weight. Still a bit.

My kidney beans that were soaking in water over the night are cooking ready right now. Kidney beans is one of my favourite main food, its so high protein, low kcal and fill the stomach for very very long.
Please prefere dry kidney beans always, if you live in a country where bisphenol a is not forbidden to be a component of the inside coating of tins. Its a shame!

This is my high protein food for weight loss today:
Of course you also have to move much too, before you eat that.

The same day very late at night:

Finally my hair is dyed bright green now. :-D I share the precious fruit of my work:

Its more green in reality... Hair is still absolutely wet and color looks different in flash light.
I´d say it will be pastel greenish in daylight. I just combed all the hair in my face, to not be fully visible. Combed in the other direction the green is much more intense.

Hell, im so sexy.

Haw, haw!

Tuesday, April 3, 2018


Hallo, ihr Lieben!

Nun ist schon der Frühling da und passend dazu möchte ich über meine aktuellsten Abnehm-erfahrungen berichten.

Ich weiß nicht wie viele kg ich verloren habe aber es ist ein Unterschied von “ich fühle mich schon moppelig” zu “ich bin schlank und werde auch so wahrgenommen”.
Gut, oder?

Mit schlank meine ich hier einen BMI der im leichterem Ende vom Normalgewicht liegt.
(Das schwerere Ende vom Normalgewicht finde ich persönlich moppelig und mir kommt es so vor als wird es von der breiten Masse auch so wahrgenommen)

Ich habe also nicht sehr viel abgenommen, aber ein bisschen und ich will noch ein bisschen weiter abnehmen.
Zum Glück habe ich nun raus wie mir persönlich das am besten gelingt. (Natürlich kann ich hier nur von meinen persönlichen Erfahrungen schreiben, jeder Körper, jeder Rhythmus ist schließlich anders)
Dennoch will ich gerne meine persönlichen Erfahrungen teilen.

Die beste Methode für MICH ist definitiv Intervallfasten. Das in Kombination mit low carb.

Ich hatte in meinen Leben glaube ich noch nie morgens hunger und schon gar keinen Appetit.
Meine Nährlösung am Morgen heißt Kaffee.^^ Frühstücken ist eher eine Qual für mich. In Hektik etwas essen ist eh total unschön.
Oft habe ich zudem Seitenstiche wenn ich  mit vollem Magen aus dem Haus gehe und bin dann sowieso weniger fit. Dafür bekomme ich aber umso schneller dann wieder hunger und leistungsknicks. Ich bin erst gar nicht so fit, wie wenn ich morgens nix esse.
Natürlich trinke ich aber immer genug wasser.

Ich kann dann inzwischen locker bis 20 Uhr nichts essen ohne wirklich hunger zu haben oder unfit zu sein. Das geht auch wenn ich den Tag über 16 km laufe, wie heute.

Seit ich intervallfaste, habe ich überhaupt viel weiger Hunger und kann mühelos lange nichts essen ohne erschöpft oder sowas zu sein.
Eigentlich bin ich sogar fitter seit dem ich das eine Zeit gemacht habe. Ich bin wirklich überzeugt davon, auch wenn manche Freunde es nicht gesund finden, wenn ich den ganzen Tag nix esse.

Auch sehe ich seitdem besser aus. Mein Gesicht hat mehr von seiner ursprünglichen Kontur wiedererlangt, ich bin weniger aufgequollen. Mir scheint sogar meine Haut deutlich reiner und besser zu sein. Und ich fühle mich super!

Wenn ich dann esse, manchmal nach 18 Uhr, manchmal erst nach 20 Uhr, dann esse ich z.b. Linsen mit Weißkohl und Hähnchen. Als Nachtisch gibts Obst und Skyr.

Das ist halt ein typisches Essen was ich gerne mache.

Natürlich gibt es auch Tage wo ich auch schon um 15 oder 16 Uhr esse und ja, es gibt auch Tage wo ich Ramen Nudeln mit bacon esse.^^

Ich esse generell erst wenn ich wirklich Hunger und auch Appetit habe. Wenn ich nur großen Hunger und wenig Appetit habe, mache ich stets was gesundes, was wenig Kalorien hat.

Wenn ich großen Appetit habe, aber wenig hunger, dann warte ich zumindest, bis der hunger schon groß ist und koche dann das, worauf ich Lust habe. (Alles immer entbehren kann ich auch nicht^^)

So komme ich auf eine Mahlzeit alle 6-8 Stunden. Ich finde, dass ist gesund und vernünftig und mit gesundem Stoffwechsel locker schaffbar.

Es gab auch Zeiten, in denen mein Stoffwechsel nicht gut war und ich dick war. Da hatte ich ständig hunger, wirklich ständig. Ich gab fast mein ganzes Geld für essen aus. (Zwar gesunde Sachen aber dennoch sehr viel essen)

Ich bin also sehr froh dass ich das Intervallfasten für mich entdeckt habe. Ehrlich gesagt musste ich mich erstmal überwinden, die geläufigen Meinungen aus dem Kopf zu kriegen, dass es ungesund sei, wenn man “den ganzen Tag nichts isst”.
Ich denke solche Sätze entstammen der Nachkriegszeit.^^

Leichtes Kaloriedefizit ist für mich, als Mensch der stets die Küche voller gesunder Vorräte hat, also jederzeit zugang zu allen Nährstoffen und verlockenden Leckereien hat, sicherlich nicht von Nachteil. Ich habe eine große Tiefkühltruhe, die immer etwas zu voll ist. Will sagen, ich falle bestimmt nicht zu schnell vom Fleisch, wie manche Leute fürchten.^^
Außerdem schmecken meine lieblings Ramen-Nudeln (die ganz, ganz scharfen) gleich dreimal zu gut, wenn ich sonst nicht immer zu viel esse.
Ich denke also es ist nur ungesund “den ganzen Tag nix zu essen”, wenn man bereits unterernährt ist oder Vitaminmängel hat.

Heute war der erste warme Tag im Jahr und ich trug nur ein T-shirt mit dünner Jacke drüber, statt einer etwas ollen Winterjacke, die sowieso 3 Nummern zu groß ist.^^
Es war wirklich ein toller Tag und ich genoss es so richtig “plötzlich schlank” zu sein und ohne die Winterjacke auch als das gesehen zu werden.
Das war wirklich ein tolles Gefühl.

Klar, ich hätte auch im letzten Jahr 3 mal so oft Alkohol trinken können, wie ich getrunken habe und im Schnitt das doppelte essen können. Das hätte vielleicht manchmal mehr Spaß gemacht, als entbehrungsreich zu leben und keine Mühen zu scheuen.

Aber ich glaube, dann würde es mir in der ganzen Zeit nur halb so gut gegangen sein und jetzt nicht mal annähernd so gut gehen, wie es mir gehen wird.

Und ich würde nicht gut aussehen und das würde man mich wo ich gehe und stehe auch spüren lassen.