Showing posts with label Avocado. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Avocado. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Buffalo mozzarella and chicory

I once went to a local food bank that distributes food to the poor and needy.
Just just have to show that you get money from the state, because your jobless and then you can go there once a week to get food for fee or for 1€. It takes place in a church or something similar.

They distribute food that food stores sorted out. Some of the vegetables are not so fresh anymore or near expiration while other foods are very great and even expensive stuff.
 You can get vegetables there, fruits, bread, milk and other stuff. Always different stuff.

I once got some buffalo mozzarella there and it was very awesome quality, too!
Never ever ate buffalo mozzarella in my life before and the taste was at first a bit unusual, so intense and buffalo-like (what ever this is supposed to mean^^) but also sooo heavenly soft and mild creamy, refreshingly pure milky. I was surprised by the liquid core and sceptical about it. After some reading about it in the Internet, i needed a while to get used to it and at first i couldn't decide whether its incredible yummy or somehow a bit disgusting.

To the misfortune of my wallet, i decided that it is incredible yummy.

When i shop for food i cant help to take a look if they sell some buffalo mozzarella for a price that i can afford with a lot of teeth grinding.

Buffalo mozzarella is very delicate and can turn sour quickly. It the cooling chain is interrupted you might buy some buffalo mozzarella that is already sour, even though its still more than i week to expiration date.

The insider hint is to buy that buffalo mozzarella, that is at least 10 days or more before the expiration date. The more time before the expiration date the better!

 Buffalo mozzarella looses tastes everyday, so its the best so consume it soon enough.

Unfortunately buffalo mozzarella supports animal cruelty, since the male animals get killed in a very cruel way. Its really sad and i am aware of it.
If animal well being matters beyond everything to you, you should not buy buffalo mozzarella.

I, for myself buy buffalo mozzarella only very rarely and my appetite is unluckily greater than my concern about animals. I also eat meat, I'm egoistic and i confess that. I'm still very sorry for the animals and it hurts to think about it.

Ok, back to nicer subjects.

What i recently also very love is chicory. I really love the fine, exquisite, noble, bitter taste.
Its also very healthy and weightloss supportive. Chicory has only 17 kcal a 100gr.
The bitter taste in it comes from a substance named intybin and it helps to produce bile fluid, which is good and cleaning for the liver.

I originally started to eat lots of chicory salad to help my detoxing.
I take zeolite and it ends up in my guts, where it binds various toxins. These toxins could otherwise be reabsorbed in the enterohepatic circulation and like that i can happens that toxins accumulate in the body. :( Not good for you.
Not good for your health, your look, your weight and your mood.

Now, in this process its helpful to have more bile secretes to enhance the detoxing.
Sorry, if the graphic is a bit blurry.

If you want to help your liver more, put a warm hot water bottle on your liver area and relax about at least 45 minutes each day. Not too hot, please.
The warmth enhances the blood circulation in your liver so it gets supplied with more energy and nutrients. It will boost its function a little and is a very calming ritual too. Do it in the evening, it can make you tired.

That's why I'm going to buy lots of chicory today. I also love the taste. Here in germany, in costs 1,15€ per 500 gr if your lucky. That's ok. (maybe really cheap compared to other countries food prices)
 If you buy chicory, look out for some that is stored dark. (its always better to buy vegetables from the dark, that weren't exposed to the bright artificial lights of a food store.)
I like chicory best with honey mustard dressing.

By the way, buffalo mozzarella and chicory go well together.^^ The bitter taste of the chicory lets the buffalo mozzarella tastes lightly sweet.

On top of it all i decorate it with a bit of balsamic cream.

Buffalo mozzarella minis with avocado on top of chicory - a real indulgence!!!!

You know what?

Ive just been to the Aldi and what was sold price reduced?
Buffalo mozzarella!!! I got some for only 1,03€ a 100 gr! I thought somehow that god wanted to pet my shoulder with that! :-D
That pic shows what i eat right now

 So yummy!

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Rezept Kichererbsensalat mit Avocado und Buchweizenkeimen

heute gibts was leckeres!

Endlich habe ich es geschafft, gestern Abend mal Kichererbsen einzuweichen, damit ich sie heute kochen kann.

Meine Herausforderung für heute ist, etwas leckeres zu kochen aus

-1 Überreife Avocado

Ich fand im Kühlschrank noch eine Möhre, Salatgurke und hatte noch ne Zwiebel.

Also machte ich einen Salat, aus den Würfeln der Zwiebel, Möhre und Gurke. Dazu kam Apfelessig und Balsamicocreme. Als Gewürze mag ich dazu gerne Zwiebelpulver und frisch gemahlenen schwarzen Pfeffer sowie etwas Himalayasalz.
Der Spitzkohl wurde feine Streifen gehackt und unter den Salat gegeben.

Dann die Avocado schälen, in streifen schneiden, salzen, pfeffern und mit ein wenig Limettensaft übergißen. Limettensaft passt super zu Avocado und man kann damit sonst auch gut Avocadomus machen.

Die Kichererbsen dampfgaren vor sich hin, wärend der Salat gekühlt wird.

Ganz wichtig zum garen für Kichererbsen ist, dass man sie ohne Salz kocht, sonst werden sie nicht weich.
Kichererbsen müssen umbedingt gekocht oder gekeimt gegessen werden, weil sie ansonsten das giftige Phasin enthalten.

Kicherersben sind übrigens auch ein tolles abnhemessen, da sie pro 100 gramm ca 19 gramm Eiweiß enthalten, was für eine Hülsenfrucht sehr viel ist und sich gut mit dem Eiweißgehalt von Fleisch messen kann. Zudem sind Kichererbsen sehr gesund, vielfältig verwendbar und haben einen tollen Geschmack.
Nur leider ist es etwas umständlich sie vorher 12-24 Stunden einzuweichen. Man sollte dennoch diese Methode den bequemen Konserven-Kichererbsen vorziehen, da man so sicher geht, dass mein kein Bispohenol A mitisst und auch sonst mehr Nährstoffe erhalten bleiben.

Nachdem die Kichererbsen gar sind, werden sie gesalzen und abgekühlt. Schließlich werden sie mit dem Salat und den Buchweizenkeimen vermengt!

Guten Appetit!

(Ich esse es jetzt grade, und es ist wirklich lecker!) (Und gesund und kalorienarm ^^)