Showing posts with label Super Nintendo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Super Nintendo. Show all posts

Monday, November 26, 2018

Retro games and my Android phone

Hello darlings!

Yesterday night i wanted to listen to only the audio of a youtube video. I and everyone else in the world hates that youtube pauses the video when the phone screen is off. Right?
I think this is completely unacceptable! I understand they just wanna make money with it, since you only get the feature to stream music while screen is off in the paid youtube version.

But for these cases I'm smart and i am a geek and my android phone is rooted and there is xposed framework installed, too! *ecstatic smile*

By the way, this beauty is my phone:  (kiss it on the screen please)
 Yes, its the pink Samsung note 4!!!

I know, its outdated, but i had a black note 4 and always really liked it for playing emulators on the big screen (5,7") and also really wanted to have it in pink. <3 p="">
I also need it as a tv remote, since it has infrared too. Very nifty.

Here is the front side.

 I ve put some high quality tempered glass onto it. Alas, there is no tempered glass containing small grains of glitter, for this model of phones. That would be so dope!

I decorated it with mere nail art stickers. That idea is from @momotokio (search for her on instagram and twitter) The stickers stick there surprisingly firm, even though they were very cheap from aliexpress. Great thanks to @Momotokio and greetings!

The little bow as a homebutton sticker is from ebay, its just 99 cents^^. I painted it with iridescent nail polish, because the pink shade didn't matched the phone at all, before^^

The little charm on the phone is very silly, i know! ^^

Here's my home screen:

 Icons are from/made with Cocoppa and i use a Widget app with which you can make widgets from custom pictures. :-D

The wallpaper is from an earthbound (snes) screenshot and i edited the colors to suit my liking. <3 p="">

I also use various xposed modules, but listing them all is too much work, right now.^^

You can of course ask me everything.

I thought, I'm going to use this phone at night from now on, whenever i wanna have some audio for sleeping. This battery is cheap and easily replaceable, unlike the battery of my iPhone....

Here´s how i solved the problem that youtube wont let me play videos when the screen is off:

For me, the xposed framework module "YouTube Background Playback" totally worked! Thanks so much to the developer of it! Hers the link:

YT Background Playback on XDA

But normally i use this phone mainly for playing video games on the "big" 5,7" screen. A real gameboy screen was much smaller ^^. I like to play old super nintendo games, some old gameboy games, and also old point and click adventure games, too.
And yes, all these games you can play on your smartphone. It even doesn't have to be the newest device to work smoothly enough.

I use all the paid versions from the Johnemulators group, they are the best in my opinion.
<3 p="">Just search for Johnemulators on the play store.

I modded them to have nicer looking controller buttons, because i wanna have nice looking buttons :-D

Puuuuure beauty:

Very cuuuute games <3 br="">

How do you like my controller mods? If the button is pressed, hello kitty wearing a tutu appears *snicker*

I show you the games i recently played:

And of course, much much more.

I love these old games. Pixels are the best graphics and those games are made with love.

Do you have your asthma spray, ninten? <3 p="">

<3 p=""><3 p="">If you want to have these modded buttons too, you can write me and for a small donation on paypal, ill send to the .APKs.
<3 p="">You´ll get: John Snes, John GBA, John Nes, And John GBC. 
<3 p="">All apks modded with beautilful looking controller buttons. Its not the newest versiosn of the apps anymore but the version before the newest, so still up to date und fluent and all.
<3 p="">
On my phone, i have many very cute modded apps, made by LadyPinkilicious! She is such a skilled modder and designer. Thanks so much, for all the great stuff, and its really worth to visit her site:

Look i got such cute modded apps from her FOR FREE:

 Click on the picture to enlarge or use the browser add on i recommend "Hover zoom" it lets you zoom a small picture, while you hover your cursor above it.

And yes, i follow and love the curious zelda.<3 p=""><3 p=""><3 p=""><3 p=""><3 p=""><3 p="">Its all custom, as you can see :-)
<3 p=""><3 p="">
Yeah, im in facebook groups for obese animlas and stuff. Wy? I have no idea X-D

<3 p="">While i write that all, i wait for my fresh washed hair to dry enough for dying it green. 
<3 p="">

<3 p="">Btw:
<3 p="">

<3 p="">This is my iphone now: I still absolutely love it!
<3 p="">

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Eating Burgers and playing Earthbound - My favourite game ever

Ich muss meine Kopfschmerzen auskurieren und mich etwas entspannen. Wobei kann man das besser als beim Spielen seines lieblings Snes games?

Meines ist Earthbound. Kein anderes Spiel hat mich so inspiriert, war so witzig und so unglaublich süß. Ich glaube, am besten gefällt mir, wie liebevoll und detailgetrau die Earthbound Welt der richtigen Welt nachempfunden ist.
Ich spiele es auf dem Laptop mit einem Emulator:

Damit echtes Snes feeling aufkommt, spiele ich es mit dem USB Controller.

Ahhhh, ich liebe es!

Aber ich lasse lieber die Screenshots für sich sprechen:

 Geiles Titelbild:

Spielhalle in Onett

Polizeistation und Bäckerei in Onett

 Handgreifliche Konfrontation auf dem Polizeirevier - fast wie im echten Leben^^

Nachdem der Wachtmeister eines mit dem Baseballschläger abbekommen hat, wird er wieder normal. (Nein, ich glaub das ist im echten Leben eher nciht so^^) 

Onett Polizeirevier hat nur 2 Zellen.

 EIn Krankenhaus gibts auch in Onett.

Sogar Infusionsständer an den Betten.

 Wenn ich mehr Geld habe, kaufe ich mir das Haus an der Bucht von diesem Immobilenhai. Traumhaft.

Nun bin ich in Twoson.  Dort gibt es den "Burglin Park"^^. Hehehhe. Burglin..

 Deswegen heißt der Pak Burglin Park...

Niedliches Drug Store in Onett.

Auch die Gegner sind sehr originell und lustig^^

Nessi auf Pilzen im Twoson. Sollte ich mir ein Fahrrad kaufen?

Was für ein Muttersöhnchen im Twoson Dept Store^^

Oh, hes so grooooovy?
 Apple Kids Drecksbude^^


Die niedliche Busstation:

Der Typ verkauft Tipps für 50 $, ein gutes Geschäftsmodell^^

Oh, die Brücke nach Happy-Happy Village ist kaputt

Fuck, nun hat das Spiel es wieder mal geschafft, mich hungrig zu machen. Ich habe Burger bestellt.
Ahhh, Dekanenz pur. Leider kann ich nicht so viele Burger in kurzer Zeit essen, wie Ness.

Eine verrückte Frau greift mich an:

Und schlägt mich, mit ihrer Tasche :)

So, weiter bin ich bei dem Spiel noch  nicht. Ich finde es so niedlich und toll und es ist auch echt witzig. Wenn Ness auf Fliegenpilz ist, kann er nichtmehr richtig laufen.

Ness kann Auch Heihmweh kriegen, dann muss man Mama anrufen und mit ihr sprechen. ^^

Nun bin ich endlich in Happy Happy Village.
Dort grassiert eine Sekte, die Happy-Happy-isten. Diese wollen alles Blau färben, weil sie meinen blau wäre die Farbe der Fröhlichkeit. Das erinnert mich irgendwie an die Rashneesh nur in b lau. ...

Mit den Sektenanhängern muss man kämpfen:

Und man muss das Mädchen Paula retten:

Dort kaufte ich später eine gesegnete Bratpfanne, die Paula als Waffe benutzen kann.


Pokey ist ein böses Kind:

Und immer gewillt der Helfer des Bösen zu werden:

Da iast Mr Carpainter, der Sektenguru hinter seiner Mani-Mani Statue:

Pokey, der Drecksack:

typisch Earthbound Style:

Auch einer meiner Lieblingsgegner: