Hello, Friends!
As you know, i wrote about my pink vaio laptop a lot.
For me, my laptop is one of the most important devices i own. The laptop is like a window to the world. (The smartphone is a peek hole, rather^^)
Especially when i have to spend much time just lying in bed and resting. Mentally im still awake and active and always full of ideas, interests, wish to communicate and do shopping and with the other eye i watch tv^^.
The laptop enables me to do all that from my bed. :-D
That's why a laptop is of greatest importance to me and probably everyone who is chronically ill.
My last laptop broke because of usage in bed. The power jack was protruding at the rear and always rubbed at my leg. After one year, the power jack was loose and had a loose connection.
Even if Id switch the power jack out for a new one, it will break again, again and again. And before the power jacks breaks, the charging cable beaks near the connecetor, rips open until sparks are coming of the wire! You even could get eletrocuted!
Its just a design failure.
Or it is just a business laptop. To be used on a table. Or on your lap for a short time while your sitting upright. But mostly on a table.
But the thinkpad t420 is not a bedtop... And what i need is a bedtop.^^
The Sony vaio I'm currently using has the power jack at the left side, so it cant be destroyed within a short time. I like my laptop but somehow its also not perfectly suited for my needs.
I noticed that the device is quite heavy when i have it on top of me for a long time... The wight is also a problem when I put it away with one hand and put it back on my lap (what i do very often).
The other problem is the very, very load fan. Luckily I'm absolutely not sensitive to noises. But the fan is so loud, that i have to turn the volume of the tv up.... And that's not great.
The other thing that disturbes me a lot is the development of heat. The device becomes really hot and I'm very sensitive to heat. With the device in a small to medium sized room you do not need to heat anymore...... Really. And that sucks.
The device heats, the fan cools and all that also cost electricity and money.... Thats also an aspect.
I once used a diagnostic software to tell if my heat development is still normal and i think it is. Some laptops get hotter and some have a louder fan than others....
And honestly im not sooo pleased with the sony vaio in these categories.
But its mostly really the size and weight why i plan to buy myself a second laptop.
I wanna be able to easily move it with one hand and it should be comfortable to have on my lap for very long times. It should not have too sharp edges, too! (That's also a source of pain in extended laptop usage!) The edge is squeezing my rib cage after 10 hours of laptop usage... (somehow i sound like a real sissy to myself "Oow, my laptop edge hurts..." Firstworldproblems...)
Yeah, maybe i suffer more from the weight and sharp edges of my laptop, since i lost weight. Too less fat covering my rib cage? :-D :-D :-D Or is it that I'm not used anymore to carry heavy? (I'm rather light NOW)
I know i have had much bigger, heavier and sharper-edged devices many years ago. Ok, but at that time, i was happy that i even had ANY laptop.
First i wanted to have a laptop, that is colorful and nice looking, not a black or silver one.
But then i made up my mind and considered that i really need a comfortable (small, light, silent, cool) laptop with the best hardware specs that are affordable for me. (affordable means below 200€ or maximum 250€)
There almost is only one brand left that fulfills that wishes... Guess it, its not hard to guess.
Of course, its lenovo with Thinkpad!
I kinda really like thinkpads and had 3 in my life. With one of them i was really in love!!!
I found it ultra stylish. It has a very tasteful style that even matches my linking for darkness and gore, since the device is black-red. I really loved the "bento style" or clamshell of how ever to call it. Its so simple and plain yet dainty! I masterpiece of design. Somehow the black-red and the graceful noble design gave me a kind of classy casket feeling. Somehow vampiric!!!! And that was what i totally enjoyed about the old thinkpads! Even suiting my metalhead taste!!!
But what is talk without an example picture:
Somehow it matches such a style in my opinion:
Or not? I think, it does. :-D
I think that's funny. And i really do like such styles.
Most likely, i will buy a used Lenovo Thinkpad ultrabook. I prefere a x250 right now, since it has a Much better touchpad than the x240. And a better CPU as well. That will be worth the 50-70€ more, I'm sure of it. Its also a bit lighter.
That's it: Its really slim and only 12,5".
Its so small and light, i could juggle it around with one hand, and so durable, it wont even be broken if i drop it!^^
Nah, this is a joke.
I will be able to lift and carry it around with one hand easily. I also miss the durability of the thinkpad chassises to be honest, my sony vaio clearly cant competide with it.
I also miss the stability of the display hinges of thinkpads, they are always perfect...
Yeah, the x250 is maybe not so typically stylish, but it also has not sharp edge that hurts your ribcage. :-D
Look at it!
Its rather plain. I plan to put some stickers of dripping blood onto it, that will go extremely well with the red trackpoint and the red touchpach button linings. Uh, yeah! ( I still cant stop to customize!!!! Its an addiction!!!!)
The desktop and Windows design i used to have in black-red on thinkpads with Gore-Fonts, that looked very cool and emphasized the vampiric touch to it.
I think this will look great on a thinkpad. I made a graphic with paint:
I just made it in two minutes and its crappy, but i think it will look cool on a think pad. ^^ By the way, toooo bad is that the keyboard backlit isnt red!!!! I could throw a tantrum about that! Why not reeeeeeeed? (that would looook soooo cooooool, aaaarghh!) (Please Lenovo, if you read it, take my criticism serious!)
Update: Now i already HAVE this laptop with the blood stickers put on and i cant help but laughing how exactly my laptop looks like this graphic. :-)
(As if Lenovo ever going to read poor little Kello Hitty´s Blog... -.- )
I once made a Wallpaper especially for Thinkpads. Maybe i can find it agin...
Howevery, maybe i will be happy to have a device in male design, too.^^ Im already hello-kittied enough from my phones^^. Maybe i also wanna "communicate" *wiggle my butt in a funny way* another design language, sometimes...
By the way: I ONLY use windows, because i use a certain software to watch tv on the laptop. Its some windows-only software, unluckily. Maybe there are alternate softwares for this on linux, but this is so far the only tv software i had, that works well.
The software itself needs some amount of hardware resources of course, and it would be pretty silly to run it in a Windows emulator.... Just the thought of it makes my Sony Vaio fan blow really loud!
That's currently the only reason, i still use Windows. :-( I dont like it too much. And its ugly! And WIn 10 is even more ugly. And Win 8 is so ugly, the "tiles" make me wanna puke really hard!
Do you have a better idea for me? Tell me! Also if you know a very good (free) software to watch tv in the internet for linux. Tell me, tell me, please!
I already read a lot of information about different notebooks.
Somehow the thought "macbook" appeared in my head, too. So, now i gather information about macbooks. About macbooks that i could afford myself after i save money for a long time.
Current macbooks are ridiculously expensive, oh Lord!
I really wonder, whats the target goup for that. Higher middle class or upper class or the filthy richs probably. I will never reach that, never even smell that. ^^
With savign very much money i could afford myself a macbok pro A1278 as an absolute upper limit. This device has 4-8gb and 2,66GHz Intel Core 2Duo.
*sigh* I can not imagine how fast this might be or ot.
If i buy Lenovo Thinkpad, i will get better specs for far less money. BUT i learned that apple products or faster even with weaker internals. My iphone is the best example.
Before i had it, i was so uncertain bout the battery. 1700mah? Pathetic!
No, it lasts two days in medium to heavy usage. This must be the apple-magic.
The phone is pretty fast, fluent, reliable and i have pretty many graphic tweaks installed at the same time and graphics are still fluent. Its a very good device and also worth the money.
Goes the same for a macbook? Will i be absolutely amazed and delighted when i have it?
This somehow lures me, but right now i simply have no imagination what to expect from it. I NEVER used mac os in my life. Today i shortly looked at a macbook in an electronic store for the first time at my life.
That's it, and on the other hand i have some experience with thinkpads, i had 3 or so in my life. I know the feeling of a thinkpad and i know EXACTLY what to expect from it. I can imagine the thinkpad so detailed, as if it already lays on my lap. Its also nice and has some appeal! There is a wanna-have factor, that I do not have for any macbook (yet).
What i love among macbooks is the enormous diversity of supplies and accessories. As you know, i LOVE cases. I´d put everything in a case, if possible. (And the case in another case^^ (joke)) An every thing must have a screenprotector and a keyboard cover and of course dustplugs in fancy colors in every hole....
That i wand cases and supplies is maybe some sort of obsessive compulsive disorder.
That's the first reason i started to crave an iphone! The great cases and screen protectors for it. And there are cases for macbooks too, how nice!!! In any design and texture...
And the same goes for keyboard covers....
Tell me, this isn't lovely!!! And i tell me, you lie!!! ^^ Or this here: A gradient hard case:
When i browse through ebay and look at all the used macbooks, i think if only those cruel people had put a hard case on it.
Some are in very bad optical condition. Full of dents and bruises and everything! How can you buy such an expensive laptop, then don't put it in a case (even though there are tons of cases for that) and trough it around!?!?
Its blasphemic...
One offer of a used macbook said, that the dent came when the macbook fell on the floor tiles from the table. Hello!?
How can you let your macbook just fall from the table on a tiled floor?
I really doubt such people who literally through their (unprotected) expensive electronics around...
And poor Kello Hitty here is so poor he must buy a (mis)used laptop in horrible condition, that hurts him in the soul to seee...
I always treat my devices with greatest care! Never dropped a laptops not a phone yet!
Ok, i admit a have better reflexes than many people. Even if i drop something i catch it in the fall. But i don't drop something important!
If i hear of all the people who drop their phones and their laptops, i silently think, these people maybe shouldn't get a baby.... The babies only become clumsy too from being dropped so often... Then Humanity becomes extinct. The end.
Ok, back to the mac!
The materials and quality is also very good. The touch and feel must be gorgeous! It never gets very warm nor loud. The sound is good.
Im afraid, thinkpad x250 has a very weak and tinny sound... I'm afraid i wont be too happy with it.
But the sound of my sony vaio is also bad, im just used to it. (The sound on my thinkpad t410 was better than on the sony vaio)
Maybe the sound of X250 IS kinda bad, but still better than my sound now, lol.
I will take myself time to decide whats the best laptop for me. Maybe i will wait until february next year.
Update: I bought a Thinkpad x250 now. It has 8gb ram, Intel I5 processor 5200u, keyboard backlit (important) and has an us keyboard layout, so i can fit this handy keyboard cover on it:
I think this is more hygienic and handy for people who always use to eat and drink above the laptop.^^
Fits only the us keyboard layout.
I read that a phone screen protector film can be put on the touch pad. I gonna do this, to avoid that:
I think, Lenovo could have done better with the wear resistace of th touch pad on the T410...
I will use a glittering phone screen protecor film for the new trackpad and cut it to the exact sice of the trackpad.
Maybe it will be awesome!
And i finally created an new desktop wallpaper for that thing:
It will fit perfecly to the device and to the blood dripping stickers, im going to put on it!!!!
Note that there is also blood dripping from the I-Point in ThinPad.
Now, to face the next question: What OS?
Sorry, but if i watch the win 10 design i could puke actual shaprd edged tiles and bricks. I find it sooo incredibly ugly, its pure aesthetic disdain!
Im sorry, but i can not accept this. Id rather have a little bit worse performance under win 7 than that indescribable ugliness.
I asked the seller, if he can put win 7 on it, and if not i will see, how to get win 7 on it. But Windows 10 - NO!!!!
I have Windows 7 now, too. I maybe make the taskbar red then and use some dripping blood fonts as well.
Update: I bought this laptop and its already sent out to me. I was so hoping to get it today on 31.12.18 but i have to have a little more patience.
Update: Look at it, now:
Doesnt it looks like i wanted it to look? :-) I mean like my graphic. Honestly, it was really a lot a work to trim the blood sticker myself. (The blood drops on the uppter edge were all to long to fit the area.)
I had to trim these stickers relly much and it was very exhausting to do.
But i think, the result is very cool. I call it "bloodpad" now^^
Its very creative and nobody else has such a thinkpad. Covering the trackpad with a phone screen protector foil really works
and feels very good. I also like the glossyness of it. Cutting it out
with rounded corners is very difficult and even the corner rounding
looks perfekt, it will have a halo effect there afterwards, which is
hard to avoid whenever you cut screenprotecor foil with scissors
Im getting to used to the american keybord layout and typing ä,ü,ö and ß on my keyboard daily. It works with the international keyboard installed and i can get used to it.
Also i customized the look and feel of Windows 10 very much. For example i have short creepy laughters as system sounds, a chopped off hand as a cursor and very fancy designs. Here is an example of my customizations:
I have a red eye as a start orb, a rainbow colored task bar, fancy icons, transparent window title bars, sometimes light pink bachgrounds and much red blood fonts everywhere ^^
First i wanted to make everything black and red, but that was somehow too dark for me.
The laptop is in a very good conditon with almost no scratches and no signs of wear. I was sooo happy about that! The keyboard layout is us which is great as i look forward my keyboard cover, that is yet to be delivered.
I have the model with the little bit better processor, (i5 53000u) even i paid for the little bit weaker processor,(i5 52000u) also that was i great luck!
The laptop works absolutely fine and flawless. I really love it! The only thing, that i could not get to work yet, is setting the battery charging thresholds to 40%-80% each.
Lenovo vantage is not working correctly for me.
I relly love the new laptop and i cant wait until the keyboard protector arrvies. (I always use laptops in bed and also eat and drink next to it, so it doenst takes long until crubs and dust want to get in the keyboard. Also i tent to type very, very hard. I know its a bad habit... A thin silicone layer covering the keyboard would be very fine for me)
I cant set up everything perfect now, i caught a cold and im in bed. But i still insisted on cooking:
With redwine sauce, so yummy, healthy and almost no carb.
It only art nothing more, ok? I listen to metal, this is enough to justify this. Im a sweethart as a person and mostly very brightly happy.
Here, now the Stickers are completed:
So cool!
And i also already put some anti blue light foil on the screen. Which is a good idea because this model of laptop can get the screen scrathed by the keys. But mostly im very concerned for my aldready very bad eyes full of problems.
I recently moved from firefox to google chrome. The only reason is that chrome has rounded tabs and i prefere rounded desings. I already made my own theme for it:
Isnt that aesthetic ^^? Its pink, its retro windows and has gameboys. Lots of good memories. And its mathing my task bar theming perfectly. :-D
I worked hard to let the tabs look a little bit sceomorphic, like 3 diemensional paper cards. Note the upper right edge, where the "gap" between the lat tab and the menu is.^^ Also the "gab"before the first tab.
I think, that give it a little more life and depths.
I still wait desperatly for the keyboard cover every working day and im such a neurotic person, that i fear to have the keyboard worn down, before the silicone cover arrived here^^ (Joke)
Lets hope together, it will arrive here tomorrow!
By the way: google chrome comes with an own task mamager. This make me finally idenitify the culprit of the laptop warming that i had in every laptop. (I already was afraid, its the faul of my customizations).
No. The reason is the facebok tab alone. Period.
This is kinda shoking. I already knew that facebook is some sort of a monster or a malignat tumor that grows and grows. Consider the gaming option in the chat window as a metastasis. (Who in the works plays games in the chat window?!?!?!?)
But that the closed facebook tab itself is enough to heat my laptop and burn my lap?!?!?!?!
And therefore also wear down my devices and destroyes my laptop!!!
Not to mention to burn my lap!!!
This is also a way to teke over the word....
Honestly. Facebook is pure evil. Quit it!
It destroys your devices and your fertility.
And enhaces global warming. And many more bad thing.